3 Steps to Becoming a Writer
Have you always wanted to write but something has been holding you back? These 3 Steps to Becoming a Writer will help you get started.
1. Just Get Started
Have you been creating stories in your mind for as long as you can remember? Is your favorite part of the movie the storyline? Do you jump at the chance to write pretty much anything at work? You might just have a writer trapped inside of you, dying to get out. It’s easy to keep telling yourself you will do it one day or psych yourself out with a thousand insecurities. Let go of those fears, throw them out the window. Open your laptop and just start writing. Your first attempt will not be great and neither will your second or third. Keep working and honing your skills. You might just be the next Hemingway or J.K. Rowling.
2. Sharpen Your Skills
There so many free tools at your disposal. Through trial and error, I have found three particularly useful. These are Grammarly, ProWritingAid, and Hemingway Editor. I tend to use them all and feel confident once I filtered my work through them. They will do everything from giving you an overall score of your writing to tell you how engaging it is. One thing to keep in mind, these are suggestions. They are looking for proper grammar rules and in fiction, we tend to write as we talk. That does not always lend itself to the age-old guidelines. Review the suggestions but if you feel strongly about something, keep it. It’s your work and you call the shots.
3. Get Instant Feedback
One thing that I have found motivating since day one has been instant feedback. Hearing thoughts and opinions on your work help pinpoint areas that need improvement. Readers can be both helpful and ruthless but you can use them both. Grammar bad? They will let you know. Character weak? You will hear about it. Is your story powerful? They will fill you full of praise. All of these are tips that will help you hone your skills as a writer. One site that is so beneficial for this is Wattpad. You can post your work chapter by chapter or complete works at once. I personally prefer to post one at a time so the reader goes on the journey with you. Give it a try, you might find it as helpful as I did.
I hope you have found some inspiration with these 3 Steps to Becoming a Writer. Don’t wait another second, pull out your lap top and get started.