BOOK FORMATTING – My Honest Review of Vellum


Like any new author, I was dreading every step of the self-publishing process. Having to learn as I went was daunting, to say the least. One thing I have done since day one was watch authors who have gone before me and read as many articles as I could. Nearly all of the YouTubers that I consistently follow mentioned Vellum. After hearing it over and over, I figured it had to be worth checking out. I had initially planned on hiring someone to professionally format my book. Still, when comparing that cost to the one-time fee Vellum charged, I decided it was worth a shot. Here is my review of using Vellum for the first time. 


Vellum will format print and ebooks for publication. It gives you complete control of your product which is priceless in my book.


I would not consider myself very tech-friendly, but I found Vellum incredibly user-friendly. If I can do it, anyone can. 


Ebooks only – $199.00

Ebook & Print – $249.00

*Compared to paying someone to format every book you create, this is an absolute steal. In my opinion, it pays for itself with the first book. You can find yourself paying anywhere from $200.00 to $2500.00 to format one book when outsourcing it.


I was delighted with the overall quality of the formatting. I compared it to traditionally published books, and I feel it held up well.


I was thrilled with my first experience with Vellum, and I look forward to using their program with my next book. I loved that it provided options to personalize the beginning of each chapter and provided endless page options such as prologue, epilogue, etc. With no prior exposure to the program, I was able to navigate it with relative ease. Once it worked its magic, I was provided with various formats such as EPUB, MOBI, etc. I would highly recommend Vellum to first-time or seasoned authors.