Four Reasons Blogging Scares Me
These are the four reasons blogging scares me. I know we all have them. One doesn’t just start blogging and be efficient and confident from day one. We all have to start somewhere and that place can be darn right frightening.
- What if there is no return my investment?
To do it right, blogging takes a large investment of time. Time is something that there never seems to be enough of. I feel guilty when I am writing because I am not spending enough time with my family. I also feel getting when I am doing anything but writing. What if it’s all in vain? What if I put all of this time and effort in and there is nothing but crickets? Crickets scare me, at least in the sense of literally no-one engaging with my blog.
2. What if I’m not good enough?
There are so many talented authors and bloggers out there. I read them and am blown away by how their personality shines through. I find myself captivated by their words, but what if I lack all of those qualities that I so admire? I have always struggled with thoughts of not being good enough and this venture is no different. Those negative thoughts flood my mind and I try to stand strong and stove them off but it is not a battle I always win.
3. Why does technology hates me?
If you knew me personally, you would know why this is a fear of mine. Sometimes, it feels like computers are out to get to me. I can literally try something ten times with no success. A “tech-friendly” person can come right behind me and do the same thing, and it works like magic. How does that happen? Is there some little gremlin in there laughing at me? Are they whispering, “it’s her, let’s get her,” to all of their friends? Sometimes I think there must be, but after a few curse words and banging my head on the desk a time or two, I always try again.
4. The big deal about being a Salesman
Like many bloggers, I hope to monetize one day, and the word SALESMAN instantly comes to mind when I think of taking that step. If I am being honest, when I think of that word, I think of standing in a car lot being excited to select my next vehicle. Then I look up and see three men trying to outpace each other to reach me first and pounce. No offense to the car salesmen out there, that’s just the image I have and to be honest it’s well earned. Another image that comes to mind is the Sham-Wow guy on late-night infomercials or any infomercial for that matter. Just some guy with a cheesy product and cheesy smile to match, selling his wares from his soapbox. I know for a one hundred percent fact that I do not possess those qualities. I am more of a love it or leave it kind of girl. I am to be successful, I will have to figure out how to sell a product in a way that I am comfortable with.
What do I do with all of this fear?
I say SCREW YOU fear. You can take your best shot, but I will keep going. These fears are valid, but what if they are just trying to keep me from the best thing that ever happened to me? There is only one way to find out so onward and upward, let’s blog.