Believe it or not, writing, romance, and scent are connected. Scent can evoke powerful memories. Each time I pass the smell of suntan lotion, I am reminded of the summers I spent as a teenager. When I smell a specific soap, I am transported back to my grandparent’s house.
A ton of scientific research has gone into the power of scent. It turns out; it is the strongest sense tied to memory. I guess that would explain why Disney Parks pipe in scents such as vanilla or fresh-baked cookies. They understand the power of scent.
The same thought process applies to romance. We all want to leave our significant others wanting more. That’s where the science of smell comes in.
Smell plays such a vital role in the connection between two people. Scent works as a placeholder. When you revisit it, the memory can be as vivid as the first time you experienced it.
There are so many scents that are considered sensual and alluring. According to allwomenstalk.com, a few of them are vanilla, sandalwood, lavender, orchids, and jasmine.
What does this have to do with writing? In my opinion, it is one of the most overlooked senses. We help our readers visualize the scene and feel the emotions, but how often do we remember to invoke the smells? Use all of the senses, it will immerse the reader further into the story.